Dream me Green explores inner, outer emotional and physical landscapes through the seasons of the soul and sun. My poems and songs are inspired through deep listening to the plants I cultivate in our medicinal and aromatic garden and harvest wild for distillation at EssènciesCat.
Listen here: https://open.spotify.com/album/5RgJWamaNon56FSjBDYSg4
The music was recorded by Pau Firpo, SGAE Studios, Barcelona, April 2024 and edited, mixed and mastered by Dave Bianchi, Silo Studios, Sitges, May 2024. Dream me Again was recorded in the same sessions with the Catalan pianist, Carles Marigó.
If you want to support my music, please buy a double CD here.
Frances, 2024

Frances plays with the rhythm of the words as compositional prompts and traces the subtle, energetic movement of the plants in melodic suggestions and contours. Frances & Carles co-created the arias by fixing improvisational gestures. The instrumental pieces are free flowing improvisations recorded directly after the songs.
Both Frances and Carles reside in Catalonia within the ‘mar i montanya’, sea and mountain landscape, colliding in dramatic musical climates and exquisite local ecosystems of sound. The mundis imaginalis is awoken. Who is dreaming who? This is an open invitation to commune with the mind of the land and the souls of plants; to re-dream our collective and individual realites.

Drawing: Limb by Marina Berdolet made with smoke and graphite