Oli essencial de Xiprer:
Millora i regula la circulació de la sang.
Redueix les regles abundants.
Augmenta la capacitat pulmonar.
Molt bon antiespasmòdic.
Ideal per a fer una neteja de fetge.
Barrejat amb un oli vegetal es ideal per dolors de “cames cansades”.
Ajuda a cicatritzar ferides.
El xiprer es l’arbre de la transformació, ideal per moments de grans canvis (dol, separacions, inici de nous reptes personals o professionals). Ajuda a cicatritzar traumes emocionals. Es calmant, relaxant, i ajuda molt a assossegar la ràbia en moment de molta tensió.
The resinous, aromatic cyprus tree has become iconic with Mediterranean and French landscapes. This evergreen grows to 25m in height and has distinctive conical shape.
Aroma: Refreshing. Spicy.
Traditionally: The Phoenicians and Cretans used cypress to build ships, while Egyptians made sarcophagi from the wood. The Greeks used cypress to carve statues of their gods, “semervivens” the botanic name origionaltes from the greek “live forever”. The island Cypress was where it was used for worship. Jesus’s cross was made of cypress. Often planted now in graveyards. Although traditionally linked to death, cypress oil actually saves us from devastating conditions and illnesses.
The Properties:
Circulation: Improves circulation and strengthens blood capillaries, tightening muscles and loose skin, preventing hair and teeth from falling out. Regulates blood flow, promoting clotting and helping to stop haemerraging. Reduces heavy menstruation and bleeding. Also treats rheumatism, arthritis, varicose veins and cellulite.
Increases efficiency of lungs, eliminating congestion making breathing easier, and clearing coughs and accumlulated phlegm. Treats asthma and bronchitis.
Treats diabetes
Maintains a healthy liver by regulating a proper discharge of bile and protecting from infections.
Eliminates odor.
Fragrant Influence – Eases feeling of loss and gives grounding and security. Helps heal emotional trauma or major set back in life, calms, relaxes, soothes anger, helps life to flow better.
Blends well with Juniper, Lavender and Rosemary
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