Inflammation and itching stings calm immediately on using the cortisone-like constituents of red pine essential oil blended artfully with calming Lavender, Catnip & Melissa e.o.. As a bonus, the blend will also repell insects to come back for more! Safe for children over 3 years of age.
Use for treating cardiac fatigue, regulation and weakness of the heart, perceived in symptoms of arritmia, fatigue, chest pain or tension, arterial pressure and circulation. With wild essential oils of Inula graveolens, Rosemary camphor, Laurel & sweet Fennel. Per regular el ritme cardíac, la pressió arterial, tractar arítmies, fatiga i feblesa
If under heavy clouds, dab our ROLL-ON thoughout your day. A great synergy to disperse head aches, head fog, tension and inflammation. With pure Peppermint, Catmint and Laurel. Un Roll-on amb olis essencials de maxima puresa: menta piperita, menta de gat i llorer. Una bona sinergia per treure el mal de cap,
RELAX – A Room with a View. Create your inner window and reconnect to the space inside. Calm stress, anxiety & trouble sleeping with pure essential oils of Lavandula angustifolia, Catnip & Melissa. Experimenta la sensació de calma i relaxació en estats d’estrès, ansietat i problemes per dormir. Experimenta la sensación