Latin name: Helichrysum italicum
Distilled part: Flowery tops
Main Components: Neril Acetate and Curcumin
Botanical Family: Asteraceae
Origin: Montpellier (France)
Description of the plant: It originates from the Mediterranean basin, it is recognized by its silver velvety leaves and its small golden yellow flowers. Its name comes from the Greek “helios” which means sun and “chrysos” which means golden. It blooms in summer and its smell is reminiscent of curry. If, once harvested, it is hung and left to dry, its tears remain for a long time, which is why it is known as evergreen.
Traditional medicine: To treat bumps, bruises (bruises) whether recent or old.
Properties: Anti-inflammatory and anti-spasmodic
It is a powerful anticoagulant and blood thinner
Activator of arterial microcirculation
Stimulates the regeneration of Hepatocytes
Tissue decongestant (cellulite)
Applications: Hematomas, phlebitis, edema
Surgery in general (accelerates healing and inflammation)
Rheumatism, arthritis, joint pain
Liver failure, cirrhosis and hepatitis
Aging of the skin
Energetic action and Chakras: To repair emotional wounds from the past, it helps us adapt to new situations (mourning, childbirth, moving, emotional breakup, etc.), when we need to unblock the energy and make it circulate again. It helps to regain confidence.
Precautions: Do not use during pregnancy or breastfeeding, do not use if you are taking anticoagulants. Do not use pure on the skin.
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