La nostra Destil·leria va ser construïda durant l’hivern de 2016 i va començar la seva activitat el juliol de 2017. La primera destil·lació va ser de Nepeta Cataria i des d’aleshores em produït gran quantitat d’olis essencials i Hidrolats que podeu veure a la Botiga.
Per altre banda, em exportat les nostre plantes i llavors a d’altres comarques de Catalunya i França obtenint a canvi una gran varietat d’olis essencials molt difícils de produir en el nostre entorn cada vegada més sec i més calorós.
Essencies Cat is deeply commited to sustainable, renewable practices. From the cultivation, harvesting and foresting processes that follow the biodynamic calender to the solar energy we use to power our distillery.
We have created a renewable water circuit bewteen our 100m deep well, pond and rain water collection points, the motors powered directly by solar power.
All residues from the distillation process are organic and are recylced in our garden.
As well as keeping our CO2 emissions as low as possible, we also help maintain our local environment by clearing the villages forests and verges of invasive plants such as stinky fleabane .Our distillery was built during the winter of 2016, and began it’s production in the summer of 2017. The first distillation was of Nepeta cataria, and since then we’ve produced a variety of essential oils that you can find in our shop.
We also work in collaboration with Catalonia and France, sharing our rare seeds with sociates in regions which are not as dry and hot as in the Mediterranean basin, and so give a greater yield of essential oils.