Latin name: Thymus vulgaris Thymol
Distilled part: Flowery tops
Main Components: Thymol
Botanical Family: Labiades
Origin: Northern Catalonia
Description of the plant: The thyme, rudder, rudder, thyme or Thymus vulgaris is a subshrub of the labiades family. It is an aromatic perennial bush up to 30-40 cm high. It has woody and pubescent stems (with short, soft hairs). The texture of the leaves is herbaceous. They are leaves of a dull green color on the front and a whitish color on the reverse, since it is covered with white hairs
Traditional medicine: It is used as a natural antibiotic for infections, especially oral ones.
Properties: Very powerful broad-spectrum anti-bacterial
General tonic and stimulant
Arterial hypertension
Applications: Gastrointestinal infections
Urinary infections
Respiratory infections
Arthritis, rheumatism, poly-rheumatological arthritis
Nervous, physical and sexual asthenia, impotence
Energetic action and Chakras: useful for people without vital force. It helps release vital resources and one’s own instinctive strength.
Precautions: Do not use during pregnancy and lactation.
Do not use in children under 6 years of age.
Never use pure on the skin (dermocaustic).
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